Blood types and Compatibility

Blood transfusions is a game changer in all areas of medicine and become the 'rod of life' in emergencies and the cure of numerous diseases. The most fundamental thing is knowledge of the blood types and compatibility, which is the pillar of successful and safe transfusions. There are four main types of blood that always combine in a specific manner when elements from the types of blood mix. Each blood type is determined by the presence or absence of specific antigens on the surface of red blood cells:Each blood type is determined by the presence or absence of specific antigens on the surface of red blood cells: 1. Blood Type A: Those with blood type A have A anitgens on their RBC and B antibodies in their plasma. They can give red blood cells to persons having types A and AB and can take same from ones having types A and O. 2. Blood Type B: Those having blood type B possess B antigen on their red blood cells and A antibodies in the blood plasma. Their blood can be used for individuals with blood types B and AB while they can benefit from the blood of those with the blood type of B or O. 3. Blood Type AB: Unlike AB blood group participants, those of blood type B have neither A nor B antigens on their red blood cells but since they do have the above-mentioned antibodies in their plasma, can be negatively affected by A blood type red blood cells. They are type O acceptors from any blood group, but can only donate their blood to individuals whose blood type reveals to be AB. 4. Blood Type O: People with blood type O have no markers (A or AB antigens) on the surface of their red cells, but their plasma has an antibody to both A and B. They are qualified universal donors which can be transfused to patients having any type blood but can only get blood from a patient with blood type O. The Rh factor (Rh + or Rh -) is also critical with respect to compatibility of blood in this type of transfusion. A matching of blood types should be done for Rh-positive & Rh-positive or Rh-negative & Rh-negative individuals. In a situation where a Rh-negative person receives blood from Rh-positive person this can trigger a fatal immune reaction.