The blood emergency and disaster are a life and death concern mostly for people who need to have it in order to survive. Whether it is natural or man-made disasters, mass casualty events or unexpected calamities, the demand for blood transfusions increases overwhelmingly reminding us about the universal role of blood donation in emergency response efforts. When crisis time come, blood donation is like a line of life that holds people's life. Trauma occurs and patients who undergo the surgery as well as seriously ill people with life-threatening conditions cannot but need transfusion of donated blood to sustain their living. What institutions in need of blood may lack without the blood on hand in sufficient amounts is nothing less than the ability to provide timely and competent care should the occasion arise. Inasmuch as emergencies and disasters tend to interfere with regular blood collection processes, they deprive the blood banks of the donations they need and consequently affect the normal blood supply chain. The blood donation centres may shut down or reduce the services that they may be providing that day due to damaged infrastrature, transportation and staffing issues. Thus, it's undisputable that communities shall develop a reliable and responsive blood donation system will always beat a sudden surge in demand. Through continuous blood donation, individuals get to engage in blood bank service provision which is a major pillar in a disaster preparedness and response. Donated blood is an irreplaceable resource that can immediately be used in emergencies to supply patients and medical institutions with supply needed to cope with crises. However, blood donation also ensures that a sufficient amount of blood collection and timely delivery of blood products remain constant to hospitals and first responders in case of emergency and supply disruption. Finally, donating blood is an indispensable part of emergency preparedness and reaction, offering to those affected by disasters and emergencies the very vital connection they need to recubvate.