Importance of Blood Donation

Donating blood is the key of the healthcare system with its influence going beyond the limits of a city hospital. No matter how little blood you donate, it may well be the saving grace for someone else. In emergency situations such as road accidents or childbirth complications, quick access to blood may even be a life-saver- sometimes the blood transfusion can mean the difference between life and death. Moreover, a blood donor is a lifeline for individuals, like cancer patients, or those with blood disorders, undergoing major surgeries and organ transplants. Continuous blood transfusions to these patients are a literal lifeline, they bed of rock on which these patients stay and fight their treatments and improve their lives. On top of that medical importance blood donation has something more than its medical applications. This is an important emblem that unites individuals from all parts of society to work towards the common goal of humankind, together. Whether it is youth or old, man or woman, everybody can come in as a hero by donating blood and help to maintain the health of fellow humans. Note, that blood donation is just a constant need, a single event. The ever-shortening shelf life of blood demands a constant call for donations. Repeated donation by an individual during regular intervals can give a continuous supply of this lifesaving resource, which literally results in saving life of patients. This way the support system of the society will develop. Ultimately, blood transfusion can be viewed as personifying the nature of people, that is, kind and generous. It is indeed the perfect example of our ability to influence the world in a big way, in the process, contributing a single drop at a time.